What is a Community Leader?
The Community Leader is initially the person who first created the Community web site. Community Leaders have full access to everything in their Community and can appoint Coordinators to help. Once the Community is created, the Community Leader may assign the role of Community Leader to others and assume a Coordinator or a Member role.What is a Coordinator?
Coordinators are those Community Members who are granted various privileges for helping organize the Community web site. These include inviting Members to join, adding Activities to the Help Calendar, and customizing the Community web site. Depending on the privileges granted to them, Coordinators can manage almost every part of the Community site.What is a Member?
A Member is anyone who participates in the Community. Members may be family members receiving help, volunteers providing support, or anyone else just interested in following updates. Members each have their own secure login information, using their email address and a personal password.Who Creates the Community?
Anyone can create a Community web site. The person who first creates a Community is referred to as the Community Leader. This person may be the patient, caregiver, or a close friend or family member. Once the Community is first created (in about 60 seconds), the Community Leader may designate other Leaders and Coordinators to help manage the various requirements of the Community. In fact, most Communities have more than one Leader or have designated multiple people as Coordinators. Sometimes someone is designated to manage Activities related to meals delivery, while another Leader or Coordinator might be in charge of organizing childcare. Very often, the caregiver and patient are also granted Leader or Coordinator privileges in the Community so that they can easily see who is signing up for what Task or to manage various Sections within the Community.Can you have more than one Leader and/or Coordinator?
You can designate any Member to be a Leader or Coordinator and there is no limit to the number of Leaders or Coordinators in any Community. Most Communities do have more than one Leader/Coordinator to help manage the different aspects of their Community.Can I be in more than one Community?
There is no limit to the number of Communities in which you can participate or manage.Because you use the same email address and password, it’s easy to switch from one Community to any other Community where you are a Member.
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