When Leaders or Coordinators create new announcements, they may also choose to send an email copy of the announcement to all Members in the Community. (To send email messages to selected Members only, Leaders and Coordinators can use the Email

A yellow flashbolt next to an Announcement indicates that you are viewing that announcement for the first time. While only Leaders and designated Coordinators may post Announcements, other Community Sections

Tip for Leaders and designated Coordinators: If you edit an Announcement that was already posted, the edited message won't be counted as a new announcement for those members who have already viewed it. If you want everyone to see the Announcement as new, delete the existing message and create a new one with your changes. (Leaders and designated Coordinators can delete and edit Announcements in the ‘Manage Sections, Announcements, and Emails’ link through the Administration tab, and then click Expand below the Announcements button.)
For more help, look for help links with a yellow dot

While we continue to add to our Help Section please do not hesitate to be in touch if you need any assistance. You can always reach us at support@lotsahelpinghands.com. We’re here to help!